Monday, September 2, 2013

These Three Things - Vegan MoFo 2013

Oven rack puller, salt grinder, & juicer - gifts from my grandchildren, AKA the Guttersnipes
Let the Vegan MoFo 2013 begin with a short list of three of my favorite kitchen gadgets and why they are, indeed my favorite things. 
I have three grandchildren, and like every other grandmother the world over, I think they are rock stars. So much so, that I happily spend my weekends dreaming up new and improved ways to fill their bellies with vegan goodness. 
To be clear, they are omnis and two of them are young men, one a teen girl, so that they choose to spend their Sundays having dinner with me is a privilege I don't take lightly.
While we are gearing up for dinner, I've found we end up talking about what gadget I use for what process. This culminated in the above lovely gifts showing up on my birthday this year. So every time I grind salt, every lemon or lime squeezed, every time the oven door is opened, I smile a little smile and begin to plan the menu for the next Sunday dinner. 
Morgan and Brooke taking selfies